Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hoppy Easter!

I got to go home for Easter, and like almost every other holiday that meant a big family gathering. 

There were lots of babies.

And even more little boys.

And a girl or two thrown in for variation.

Notice the lack of shoes and his brand new dress socks.
My mum was so happy.

There was lots of food.

And a couple wrestling matches.

And Grandpa telling stories.


And 263 Easter eggs.

They got the egg. 
And lots of pokies.

And family. :) 

I hope you all had a fantastic Easter. I'm so thankful for our Savior and all that He did for us.

Home is the comfiest place to be.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Up the Canyon

Lately, we've been going up the canyon on adventures. Spring has kinda sorta sprung here in Logan (when it's not snowing) and we're taking advantage of it. This post is going to be about everything that these trips have made me think about so it's going to be kind of scatter-brained. 

But when am I not? :) 

I'm so glad I found these two. 

Even though they're weird. I love them. They're my kind of weird. 

Look at the deer!
I love rivers. I can't tell you have many hours I've spent on the river with my dad. He started taking me fishing when I was teeny tiny. Some of my first memories are of fishing, and I love them.

And I out-fished my dad when I was two. That's a fact. ;) 

Rivers feel like home to me. Maybe that's the inner hermit coming out, but they do. 

I got that from my dad. :) 

Just around the river bend


P.S. I've even got back into running. Keni and I ran walked a river trail for about 7 miles. It was pretty grand. Hah.

I don't really do the "ease into it" thing...