Monday, June 16, 2014

I love to see the Temple...

I received my Endowments Saturday!

I was crazy nervous before.
Like I thought I might throw up....
(Found out later that was just a stomach bug -_-)

But it was honestly the best thing ever.
The temple is such an amazing place 
And there was absolutely nothing to be nervous about.

And to make it even better I had a ton of family there.
And even though that caused some shenanigans...
They made it all so much more special for me.

The Spirit is so strong in the temple,
There's nothing like it anywhere else.

I remember singing that primary song growing up:

"I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday..."

And it seemed like such a long time away,
(it really wasn't)
But I finally made it. :)

You see all the people leaving the temple? Yeah, they're all mine.

And I can't wait to go back.

For more information about LDS temple click here!

Today's special moments are tomorrow's memories,


{Also, my little brother who is 8 took all the scenery pictures (my cousin Chase took the family ones). I think we have a budding photographer on our hands!}