Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In Logan...

In Logan...there are as many people wearing BYU stuff as USU. 

And apparently, the Old Navy in Logan only sells U of U, BYU, and BSU apparel. Huh??

In Logan...there are deer running through campus.

True story. My roommate and I went to yoga and three were running around. 

In Logan...people don't know what an onion truck is.

See the truck that they're putting onions in?? Onion. Truck. Don't get in its way. 
In Logan..."singles' ward" could also be known as "Guess who's on their scriptures and who's just texting" or "Give it a month, they'll be engaged" or the ever popular "Hey, linger longer?? Free food!"

In Logan...people from "small towns" graduate with several hundred people.

Hahahaha...ohhh...Yeah, they were serious.

This is the majority of my senior class. There were 56 of us. 
In Logan...fortune cookies speak the truth.

Shortly, before this my roommate and I met two guys
(who may or may not be vampires because we have no idea where they came from).
In Logan...it snows the first week of October.

*long drawn out sigh...... -_-

In Logan...the fire alarm goes off when I'm doing all my laundry and all my pants are in the washer.

And it's cold outside.

And raining. Mother of Pearl.

This is my view when someone tries to make grilled cheese...
In Logan...crazy stuff happens, dude. 

Reach for the sky!



  1. Hey, you mentioned me lots! I'm totally your favorite, huh? :) Don't worry, I won't tell the rest of the roommates.

  2. Shhhh! I left you anonymous for a reason. ;) haha

  3. Excuse me?! Haha this is so true!
